Friday, April 18, 2008

Check your slides lately?

It never fails every year someone will think they have all their ducks in a row and as Dylan would say, "Bham!" portfolios are due and they will be missing a piece or don't have a slide.

I have the latest batch of slides from Citizen Photo their aren't many. I will hand those out on Tuesday. In the meantime it would be a good idea to check your slides. Make sure that you have a slide for each of your concentration pieces. Your breath section slides are safe and sound (that's assuming of course that you have all your breath pieces completed.)

Last day for slides April 24th!! That's this Thursday, yikes!

What to do for Tuesday..

1. Check your slides, make a list of your concentration pieces.
2. Sketchbook or Blogspot update
3. Blog comment

Remember AP is a lab class. If you miss a class period either excused or unexcused, or extreme tardy, you need to make up that hour and a half.


Taylor said...

I wont be here all next week. I left my last two in your office. Slides of those would be nice, and the wax one, por favor.

monica marcus said...

i was just thinking that i needed to check my slides...

Cassandra Poulson said...


lhsapMegD said...

So wait, does that mean we have to have all of our pieces in and completed by the 24th? Wow, I thought we had till later for some reason

lhsap2KevinW said...

i think im doing a shoot on thursday so i probably will have to get my own slide for that one cause it probably wont be done till friday morning

lhsap2aubreyf said...

i just love a good old list

Christine B said...

yikes, time is a creeping thing!